Focus on Google Reviews!

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Google allows customers to post a public review about the businesses they interact with. Such reviews are called google reviews!

And they are crucial in growing your Vacation Rental Business.

Here’s 5 Reasons why!

#1 Help Build Trust

Google Reviews are literally like your previous customers recommending your Vacation Rental to potential customers. They are highly effective in building trust for your business.

The Good Reviews also help increase bookings!

builds trust in customers

#2 Improve Local SEO

When customers review your business, they often end up using keywords about your location & amenities. They might even upload photos from their trips!

Google interprets these reviews as user signals and uses them to provide more information about your property to users.

This may boost your rankings for search queries with such relevant keywords.

improves local SEO

#3 Consistent Replies = Higher Rankings!

While ranking businesses on search & maps, Google focusses on ranking businesses that can provide a better experience to their users.

Businesses that actively reply to all their reviews whether negative or positive are considered active businesses that care about their customers.

This may lead to a boost in your rankings!

Consistent reply gives higher ranking

#4 Make Improvements to your Business

Google Reviews are a great source of genuine feedback from your customers.

If a customer complains about a certain aspect of your business, you MUST take it as constructive feedback and make the necessary changes to improve your property!

Short term annoyances are fixes for customers in the long term.

#5 Increase Conversions on your Website

One of the most important factors in improving website conversions are testimonials!

And there’s nothing better than Google Reviews!

Showcase some of the best reviews and star rating on your website and watch your website traffic turn into paying customers.

high website conversions

Bonus Hack:

Although it’s important to consistently respond to Google Reviews, I understand that it can get difficult and you may end up missing out on a few.

Did you know that you could automate replies? And it’s FREE!



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